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The Undead Nation Anthology is now LIVE!!!

Update…  Special thanks to the following for spreading the word about the book:
Rhonny at http://dollarbinhorror.blogspot.com/2010/08/its-release-day-pick-up-your-copy-of.html
Rad at http://www.zombiehoard.com/
Melanie at http://www.melanienowak.com/
Everyone at http://wickedzombies.com/forum/topics/the-undead-nation-anthology-is-1?page=1&commentId=2826695%3AComment%3A134287&x=1#2826695Comment134287
and all the Lovelies (and Hutch) at http://www.priacon.com/!!!

Zilyon Publishing and The Undead Nation are excited to announce the all-new Horror/SciFi/Fantasy Anthology entitled The Undead Nation Anthology.

All net proceeds from the sale of this book are being donated to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.  The Authors, Creators, and Publisher of this Anthology graciously gave their stories, their time, and their effort to this cause.

Be warned, The Undead Nation Anthology contains Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires, Aliens, and other Monsters and Paranormal Beings.  The diversity in the genres of the fourteen great stories and the writing styles of the talented independent authors make this book a fun and scary read.

We hope you enjoy it!

The Undead Nation Anthology includes stories from the eleven authors who won The Undead Nation Short Fiction Contest, as well as a tale from the 2010 winner of Crypticon Seattle’s Writing Contest.  Rounding out the Anthology are offerings from Alan R. Gandy, author of the novel Voyeur Dead, and Calvin A. L. Miller II, author of the novel Het Madden, A Zombie Perspective.

Below are the websites where you can get your copy along with how much will go to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) for each copy sold at that site.  

The amount is 100% of the royalty paid to us by that site and we will be donating it all.

https://www.createspace.com/3468619 CreateSpace.com Paperback book for $14.95 ($8.07 will go to BCRF). 

http://www.amazon.com/Undead-Nation-Anthology-Alan-Gandy/dp/1453694870/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1281812614&sr=1-2 Amazon Paperback book for $14.95 ($5.08 will go to BCRF).

http://www.amazon.com/The-Undead-Nation-Anthology-ebook/dp/B003Z0D2XE/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1281623014&sr=1-1 Amazon Kindle version.  Amazon sometimes changes the price, but appoximately 70% of the cover price is paid as royalties and all of that will go to BCRF.  (Current cover price is $2.99 with $2.09 going to BRCF).

http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/21126 Smashwords.com eBook in all formats for all devices for $2.99 ($2.20 will go to BCRF). 

http://www.lulu.com/product/ebook/the-undead-nation-anthology/12192002 Lulu.com eBook version of the paperback for $6.66 ($4.14 will go to BCRF).


T.L. Mitchell- Silver Moon
Lyle Perez-Tinics- Dement
JZ Murdock- Gumdrop City
Rhonda E. Kachur- Rebecca
Audy Mytron- Entire Journal
Alan R. Gandy- Satan’s Cadaver
Christina Rause- A Walk Deferred
Drew McKay- The Eye in the Mirrors
Jenna M. Pitman- I am Become Death
Holly K. Wood- Decapoda Animusicide
Calvin A. L. Miller II- Cold Blood: The End
Opal Zushaquon- The Blighted Legacy of Nicanor Lavan
P. H. Clarke- I Will Let The Warm Blood Drive My Thoughts
Erik Tavares- Wocka Wocka Bridge (Crypticon Seattle Winner)

Original Cover Design, Illustrations, and Artwork by Alan R. Gandy

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