• het madden

    Het Madden Het Madden, A Zombie Perspective: Book One: WRATH 2012 [Paperback]
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Zilyon Publishing announces the addition of Author/Artist Alan Gandy!!!

Zilyon Publishing announces the release of four books by Author/Artist Alan Gandy in Paperback and Kindle!  We would like to welcome Alan to the Zilyon Family and we are both proud and lucky to have such a talent with us. 

Alan did all the incredible art in The Zombie’s Survival Guide, Thrive In The Zombie Apocalypse After You Turn, and also co-created The Undead Nation Anthology and did the cover art and wrote the story Satan’s Cadaver.

Alan’s books contain an eclectic mix of great storylines and incredible art.  Check out all of them including Voyeur Dead Day One, My Little Brother is a ZOMBIE Book 1, Sister of the Walking Dead (My Little Brother is a ZOMBIE, Book 2), and Omega Zombie by clicking here or on “books” at the top of the page!


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The ZOMBIE’S Survival Guide: Thrive In The Zombie Apocalypse After You Turn… The Guide For The Other Side!!!

Love Bites. Hate Eats… The “Zombie” Apocalypse is coming. It’s not “if” it’s “when”, and if you think you are going to be one of the brave survivors you see in the movies and video games or read about in books and graphic novels you are sadly mistaken.

You know who I mean, the handsome and tough hero who was a Navy Seal that women love and men want to be. Or the beautiful, big breasted, brilliant heroine with a PhD in “Science”. You aren’t even the wisecracking sidekick who lives to defend the heroes. You are a regular person, an everyman. Just as I was before I created this fully illustrated guidebook. So face it, the odds are in favor of you becoming one of the undead. A ghoul. A Dead. A “Zombie”.

But don’t worry, there is hope. There are ways for you to “live” a very rewarding “life” after you turn. How long, well that depends. But you might as well enjoy it while you can. Sure, it’s not as cool as being a vampire. They get the late nights partying, looking like the heroes I mentioned above, the cool clothes, and getting to sleep all day. No, you will be a staggering, oozing, puss-filled mess.

But how can you fight Healthies armed with weapons that can be anything from a boy with a screwdriver to a soldier with an automatic rifle? You will not only have physical limitations but you will also be stupid, right? Wrong. Many “zombies” retain much of their intelligence after they turn. The ones that are out in the open and shuffling toward people who have guns or other weapons are the dumb ones. The ones that weren’t prepared. The smart ones know what to do. They go unnoticed. They wait for their chance to attack. They plot. But if the “Zombie Apocalypse” is coming and hasn’t happened yet, how do I know all of this?

Because it has already started. It just hasn’t reached you yet, or maybe you’re not aware. The mind can play tricks.

Click here or on “books” at the top of the page and get yours now.  Before it’s too late…

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A Brand New Book from Zilyon Publishing!!! “Living My Nightmare. The Work Of Filmmaker Coven Delacruz.”

Coven Delacruz is the next big thing in horror and film. You can be sure of it. He does it all; writer, director, actor, producer, editor, photographer and eFX master. His outstanding and inspired work has brought him praise, devotion, and admiration from his friends, his fans, all the people he has worked with, and those who have interviewed him. He is the product of a strong work ethic and a desire to be the best at what he loves to do.

This book is about Coven the filmmaker, the artist, the fan, the friend, and the movie lover. It covers his early years, projects (both past, present, and future), awards, life, friends, and some of the secrets behind his filmmaking and amazing eFX.

He is living his dream, or more accurately, his nightmare.  Welcome to it…

To get the awesome new book on Coven click here or on “books” at the top of the page!

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The Undead Nation Anthology is now LIVE!!!

Update…  Special thanks to the following for spreading the word about the book:
Rhonny at http://dollarbinhorror.blogspot.com/2010/08/its-release-day-pick-up-your-copy-of.html
Rad at http://www.zombiehoard.com/
Melanie at http://www.melanienowak.com/
Everyone at http://wickedzombies.com/forum/topics/the-undead-nation-anthology-is-1?page=1&commentId=2826695%3AComment%3A134287&x=1#2826695Comment134287
and all the Lovelies (and Hutch) at http://www.priacon.com/!!!

Zilyon Publishing and The Undead Nation are excited to announce the all-new Horror/SciFi/Fantasy Anthology entitled The Undead Nation Anthology.

All net proceeds from the sale of this book are being donated to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.  The Authors, Creators, and Publisher of this Anthology graciously gave their stories, their time, and their effort to this cause.

Be warned, The Undead Nation Anthology contains Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires, Aliens, and other Monsters and Paranormal Beings.  The diversity in the genres of the fourteen great stories and the writing styles of the talented independent authors make this book a fun and scary read.

We hope you enjoy it!

The Undead Nation Anthology includes stories from the eleven authors who won The Undead Nation Short Fiction Contest, as well as a tale from the 2010 winner of Crypticon Seattle’s Writing Contest.  Rounding out the Anthology are offerings from Alan R. Gandy, author of the novel Voyeur Dead, and Calvin A. L. Miller II, author of the novel Het Madden, A Zombie Perspective.

Below are the websites where you can get your copy along with how much will go to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) for each copy sold at that site.  

The amount is 100% of the royalty paid to us by that site and we will be donating it all.

https://www.createspace.com/3468619 CreateSpace.com Paperback book for $14.95 ($8.07 will go to BCRF). 

http://www.amazon.com/Undead-Nation-Anthology-Alan-Gandy/dp/1453694870/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1281812614&sr=1-2 Amazon Paperback book for $14.95 ($5.08 will go to BCRF).

http://www.amazon.com/The-Undead-Nation-Anthology-ebook/dp/B003Z0D2XE/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1281623014&sr=1-1 Amazon Kindle version.  Amazon sometimes changes the price, but appoximately 70% of the cover price is paid as royalties and all of that will go to BCRF.  (Current cover price is $2.99 with $2.09 going to BRCF).

http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/21126 Smashwords.com eBook in all formats for all devices for $2.99 ($2.20 will go to BCRF). 

http://www.lulu.com/product/ebook/the-undead-nation-anthology/12192002 Lulu.com eBook version of the paperback for $6.66 ($4.14 will go to BCRF).


T.L. Mitchell- Silver Moon
Lyle Perez-Tinics- Dement
JZ Murdock- Gumdrop City
Rhonda E. Kachur- Rebecca
Audy Mytron- Entire Journal
Alan R. Gandy- Satan’s Cadaver
Christina Rause- A Walk Deferred
Drew McKay- The Eye in the Mirrors
Jenna M. Pitman- I am Become Death
Holly K. Wood- Decapoda Animusicide
Calvin A. L. Miller II- Cold Blood: The End
Opal Zushaquon- The Blighted Legacy of Nicanor Lavan
P. H. Clarke- I Will Let The Warm Blood Drive My Thoughts
Erik Tavares- Wocka Wocka Bridge (Crypticon Seattle Winner)

Original Cover Design, Illustrations, and Artwork by Alan R. Gandy

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Review of Het Madden, A Zombie Perspective

Calvin A. L. Miller  II
Het Madden, A Zombie Perspective
ISBN: 9780615308777
Zilyon Publishing

Suddenly realizing that he’s become something less than what he was, Hetfield Madden struggles to come to grips with his new reality. The biggest challenge confronting this transition? Accepting the fact that he is now a zombie. Rather than merely the mindless, gruesome monsters so often depicted in movies, Hetfield and his fellow zombie ilk view themselves as infected outcasts burdened by a sickness from which they can’t seem to heal. Compounding their troubles is the fact that the government and society at-large have completely rejected them, preferring to herd them into internment camps than help them recover their humanity. In light of the omnipresent adversity confronting him, Hetfield is forced to undergo considerable spiritual reflection if he ever hopes to regain everything he’s ever cared about…

Taut and gripping, Het Madden, A Zombie Perspective is a fast-paced, compelling read. In it, author Calvin A. L. Miller II presents the age-old doomsday scenario of a post-apocalyptic world – only he tells it from the perspective of the unfortunate diseased masses. In so doing, he inspires a considerable amount of empathy in the reader, inviting him/her to consider just how it would feel to be afflicted by such a horrendous twist of fate. Furthermore, bolstered by a host of spiritual, religious, and political undertones, Het Madden offers considerably profound, thought-provoking commentary on our societal folkways and mores, bringing readers face-to-face with the not-so-subtle prejudice and hypocritical leanings that tend to taint even the slightest of our everyday decisions.

A thoroughly enlightening and entertaining read, Het Madden, A Zombie Perspective is a bona fide literary treat. Definitely not for the faint of heart or mind.

Available on Amazon, CreateSpace, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, Lulu, and Indiependent Books in paperback and all eFormats for Kindle, Nook, iPad, PC, and everything else.

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Alan R. Gandy

Alan R. Gandy has been obsessed with horror since childhood. He started out with a video camera given to him as a child by his Pops, a professional photographer, making horror shorts after school. As Alan grew older, so did his passion for horror. Alan began writing and drawing comics, then moved to children’s books for adults and photographic horror novels.

His books include “My Little Brother Is A ZOMBIE, Book One“, “Sister of the Walking Dead (My Little Brother is a ZOMBIE, Book 2)“, My Zombie’s Keeper (My Little Brother is a ZOMBIE, Book 3), Voyeur Dead“, and “Omega Zombie“.  He also has a short story in “The Undead Nation Anthology” and did all the artwork for “The Zombie’s Survival Guide, Thrive In The Zombie Apocalypse AFTER Your Turn“.

When Alan is not obsessing over one of his stories he likes to have zombie movie marathons with his three sons. Alan lives in Seattle, Washington, where he is currently writing a Science Fiction Horror Novel and working on the Voyeur Dead series of books.

To get the latest updates on upcoming books and appearances by Alan Gandy go to: www.facebook.com/alanrgandy and on Amazon and Smashwords.



Calvin A. L. Miller II

I am a lifelong Horror/Zombie/SciFi nut.  I saw The Exorcist when I was 11 or 12 and was hooked.  Then I saw Night of the Living Dead, which I liked, but it was the original Dawn of the Dead that hooked me on Zombies.  The idea that the dead were coming back and eating the living… that is what really makes it horrifying.

Dracula  left those two neat little holes in your neck, The Wolfman tore you to pieces, Frankenstein strangled you…  All things regular murderers could do.  Zombies eat you.  And they might be your parents.  There it is.




JZ Murdock

JZ Murdock currently lives and writes from his home in Suquamish, Washington, nine and a half miles across the waters of the Puget Sound from Seattle. Located on several forested acres in the Pacific Northwest’s incredibly beautiful Olympic Peninsula, there is definitely something magical about this area that evokes creativity. He has two children; cool by almost anyone’s scale, who are recently adults and living and traveling on their own.

Lately he has been concentrating mostly on screenplays, but he has had several short stories published recently in anthologies and has turned his attention to seeing more of his prose into the public eye.

He has had training in a wide variety of disciplines including guitar, firearms, search and rescue, and Martial Arts where he studied Isshinryu Karate under the late, great Steve Armstrong Sensei. He began studying Aikido in college which has become his preferred Martial Art and way of life; along with the Buddha Dharma (Buddhism). He is currently on the Board of Directors for “the” non-profit, local Aikido dojo in his area.

Check him out- Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/jzmurdock, Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/JZ-Murdock/357148690971056, Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/jzmurdock, GoodReads.com: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4710183.J_Z_Murdock, his blog: http://murdockinations.com, Screenplays: MovieBytes.com

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